It's the 7th week of school! Where has the time gone?! I can't believe how fast the time is going by, but it has been amazing to see the growth of the students! They are learning so much and I could not be more proud of the progress they have made! Thank you parents for doing your part at home to make our classroom so successful!
In reading, we are in our last week of digraphs. We've been working hard at trying to remember that our digraphs are two letters that stick together to make one sound and what sounds they make. We have been digraph detectives and have been finding and pointing out every digraph we see! We have our digraph dictation on Friday and will move into bonus letters (f, l, s and sometimes z) next week!
In math, we are still on addition and we have been working on horizontal addition, vertical addition, word problems, adding zero and different ways to make numbers (2, 3, 4, 5). We have also been learning words that help us figure out that we need to add (in all, more, altogether).
We have made it to 13 charms! We only need 7 more to play plinko and to win a class party!
My 'th' detectives!
My 'wh' detectives!
My 'sh' detectives!
My 'ch' detectives!
My 'ck' detectives!