Friday, May 16, 2014

April and May

Sorry it has been a while since I've posted!  It has been a crazy busy couple of months!  We have had our field trip, FAIR testing, SAT 10 testing, preparing for our restaurant and the end of the year!  We have been learning new things and reviewing the past couple of weeks.  In math, we learned our 2 and 3-D shapes, data analysis with picture graphs, tally charts and bar graphs and now we're busy reviewing all of our math skills so we're pro's at them in 2nd grade!  In Language Arts we have been learning multisyllabic words with suffixes, reviewing all of our phonics skills and sight words, writing our animal research projects, and being synthesis superheroes in comprehension.  In science, we have been learning about living things and getting to observe our awesome critters!  We've been able to explore two types of worms and some goldfish!  In social studies, we have been learning about goods and services and preparing to run a Mexican restaurant for you parents!  We are so excited about all of our upcoming events and for Summer!  Here are some pictures of what has been going on in our classroom the past couple of months!  Enjoy!

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